Data scenario for class-based exam – Survey of 2009 business graduates.

Data scenario for class-based exam – Survey of 2009 business graduates.

A survey was undertaken in 2014 of students graduating from English Universities in 2009 with the aim of charting their progress and trying to identify any characteristics that are indicators of “success”.

The Survey:
The Sampling Frame: The sampling frame was constructed as a list of the names and addresses of all full-time, and sandwich students, graduating in 2009 from English Universities with a business related degree.  A random sample of student names was chosen from the sampling frame using random number tables.

The Survey:    A questionnaire asking for information about the graduate, their first job and current job, was sent to the random sample together with a covering letter explaining the purpose of the survey and asking for their co-operation with the research. If there had been no response with 6 weeks, a further letter and questionnaire was sent.

The Results: A total of 367 questionnaires were returned. On receipt each questionnaire was given a unique identification number, and the front sheet containing name and address similarly numbered and then detached from the questionnaire. The data was then coded and entered onto the Minitab file survey 2014.mtw for subsequent analysis.

The Minitab worksheet survey 2014.mtw (available from Blackboard)
Data Coding:
Column    Name    Description
C1    ID        Unique Identification Code Number
C2    Gender        Coded:                        0 = Female     1 = Male
C3    Months        Number of months after graduation before starting their first job
C4    Degree class    Classification of Degree obtained (coded)    1 – First Class Honours
2 – Upper Second Class Honours
3 – Lower Second Class Honours
4 – Third Class Honours
5 – Other
C5    Type        Was an industrial placement part of the course?    Coded: 0 = Yes,    1 = No.
C6    Starting Salary    Starting salary on first employment
C7    First Job      Industry in which first job obtained.  Coded as INDUSTRY (see below)
C8    Starting Area    Region in which first job was situated.  Coded as REGION
C9    Latest Salary    Salary at 1st April 2014
C10    Latest Job    Industry of job on 1st April 2014.  Coded as INDUSTRY
C11    Latest Area    Region of job on 1st April 2014.  Coded as REGION
C12    No. of jobs     Number of job changes until 1st April 2014

REGION                INDUSTRY
1    Northern England        1    Manufacturing
2    Yorks/Humberside        2    Public Utilities
3    North West England        3    Retailing
4    East Anglia            4    Financial Sector
5    Midlands            5    Public Administration
6    Greater London            6    Education
7    South East (Excluding GL)    7    Higher Degree
8    South West

Semester 2 Questions

Q1.    For the Survey of 2009 Business Graduates specified on the previous page:

a (the data)
•    What are the variables in the survey?
•    Classify each variable as either Measured (quantitative) or Attribute (qualitative), explaining the reason for you classification.
•    What do you think the response variable is, and why do you think it is the response variable?
•    What are the Explanatory Variables?

b (the analysis)
•    What preliminary (exploratory) analysis do you think is appropriate for each variable type?
•    What operational steps are required to investigate any possible relationship between a measured response variable and a measured explanatory variable?
(Marks 15)

Q2.    Using the data contained in the file ‘survey 2014.mtw’ investigate any possible relationship between:

a.    ‘Salary at 1st April 2014’ and ‘Starting salary on first employment’
b.    ‘Salary at 1st April 2014’ and ‘Number of job changes until 1st April 2014’

Giving a careful description of the methodology employed and a clear explanation of the final conclusion for each explanatory variable considered.
(Marks 25)

Q3.    Explain what is meant by a statistical distribution.  Hence discuss the underlying statistical ideas that enable the data analyst to investigate the connection between a measured response and an attribute explanatory variable with 2 levels?
(Marks 15)

Q4.    Using the data contained in the ‘survey 2014.mtw’. Investigate any possible relationship between:

a.    ‘Salary at 1st April 2014’ and ‘Gender’
b.    ‘Salary at 1st April 2014’ and ‘Was your degree a sandwich course?’

Giving a careful description of the methodology employed and a clear explanation of the final conclusion for each explanatory variable considered.
(Marks 25)

Marking criteria:

In marking your work credit will be given for the correct use of methodology, to provide an appropriate analysis to support a reasoned business argument.

The answer should be presented in a concise word-processed document, possibly containing a statistical appendix providing this is properly cross-referenced.

All quotations should be fully referenced.  Any references should be in Harvard style.

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