Data Analysis

Using SPSS Statistical Software, explore our data and identify confidence intervals. For this assignment, you can choose a ratio scale variable, except age (because it’s just not a very interesting variable!).

Which ratio variable will you be using? ________________

  1. First we’re going to explore the descriptive statistics for our variable. Choose “analyze”, “descriptive statistics”, “explore”. Drag the variable you want to analyze from the left hand box to the “Dependent List” box. In the ‘Statistics’ box, check off ‘percentiles’ (and leave ‘descriptives’ checked off). Click Continue and then Ok.

List the:Mean _ Median _ Standard Deviation ___

  1. Based on the information in the descriptive statistics and percentiles, draw a box plot of your variable below, horizontally. (Hint, ‘Q1’ is the 25th percentile score, and ‘Q3’ is the 75th percentile score). Don’t forget to include the mean! Of course if you were calculating the IQR from scratch, you would use the method we used in class to find Q1 and Q3, but here SPSS does it for you.
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