Culture’s perspective on aging

Comparison of my culture’s perspective on aging

Many societies have different customs utilized when dealing with elderly individuals, more so when they cannot care for themselves (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2019). We often overlook that just because they have aged, it does not mean they cannot keep living their lives in the same manner. In my Honduran culture aging, individuals remain with their families and are taken care of by their family members. Not many homes or hospices will take care of adults in their end-of-life cycle. Most of them end up at home with family members to take care of them until they pass.


In Japan, the children are the ones to take care of their elders as they age, and not many of these elders ever live in a nursing home. (A Global Perspective on aging, 2022) They believe that placing their elders in a home is frowned upon. Elders in Japan are also celebrated and seen with much respect and admiration in which they also have a holiday to celebrate them (A Global Perspective on aging, 2022).


In Germany, most elders are independent and can live independently because their governments provide many programs that allow them to be independent (AARP Aging Readiness, 2022). Germany is considered a super-aged society where elders can remain in the workforce and offer training and education programs and retirement system reforms (AARP Aging Readiness, 2022). Through these implementations by Germany and its government, elders feel helpful since they can keep up their jobs, volunteering, and social life. They have also implemented digital technology to help elders build skills to know about technology. They have at-home care that benefits both the elders and their caregivers.

Explain why you think these differences exist

I think that it all depends on the customs of individuals and how they treat their elders. In the Japanese culture, the young care for the elders, and in Germany, elders have a government program to make them self-sufficient. In the United States, housing was not created for the aging individuals, and rent is higher, leaving elders unable to pay for their rent (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2019). Each society sees its elders differently, and aging elders are discriminated against and well taken care of.

Explain how different perspectives on aging might impact social work practice.

      As social workers working with the aging population, one must always be aware of cultures and be competent when working with them. Each elder one encounters will have different needs and cultural values, which one must be mindful of. An individual from Japan may have different needs than those elders that live in Germany. In Japan, elders are more than satisfied if the young take care of them, and in Germany, elders are very independent. Therefore, as a social worker in those different settings, I would have to view each individual’s culture to determine their requirements. 


AARP Aging Readiness & Competitiveness Initiative: Germany Country Profile. (2022). Retrieved 19 January 2022, from

A Global Perspective on Aging | Boundless Sociology. (2022). Retrieved 19 January 2022, from

Zastrow, C. H., Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hessenauer, S. L. (2019). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (11th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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Colleagues 2: Anjanikki Herron

RE: Discussion – Week 8

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Human societies have different customs for dealing with incaacitated older people (Zastrow et al., 2019). Older African Americans are more likely to be in poverty and to have poorer health than their White counterparts (Crewe, 2019). The literature on the quality of end-of-life care for African American patients reveals particular concerns in end-of-life care. Although these studies addressed health care behaviors in general, and not specifically treatment at the end of life, they do highlight the influence that culture can have on beliefs and value systems (Bullock et al., 2005).

Racism is a reality and we should not deny it. I think we should not begin to treat them as if they were the same as white old people. They are not. Racism has adversely affected their preparation for old age. (Golden, 2980, p. 336; Crewe, 2019). The truth about the effects of racism have spawned through generations and continue to have a burdened result for those who have been unfortunate to not overcome it.

The implications and long-lasting effects of racism on the African American population continues to impact many in a negative way. The mere fact reparations and other things that can assist have not been granted, are disheartening. The financial implications and inability to overcome the negative impacts of marginalize has blocked opportunities, marginalized and increased risks in health for this population. While their white counterparts have received the luxury associated with owning slaves.


Bullock, K., McGraw, S. A. Blank, K., & Bradley, E. H. (2005). What Matters to Older African Americans Facing End-of-LIfe Decisions? A Focus Group Study. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care, 1(3), 3-19.

Crewe, S. E., (2019). The Task is Far from Completed: Double Jeopardy and Older African Americans, Social Work in Public Health, 34:1, 122-133, DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2018.1562398

Zastrow, C. H., Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hessenauer, S. L. (2019). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (11th ed.) Cengage Learning.

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