CS256 – EXAM 1
CS256 – EXAM 1
1 Your current directory is /home. Create a new directory under todays date (nov11) and copy the file /home/nov7/answers.txt into the new directory you created.
(3 points)
2a 2 + 3 * 4 % (5 + 2 ) = 7
(3 points)
2b 165 mod 13 = 9
3 Write the output of the programs.
(6 points)
3a n = 90
while ( n >= 10):
if ( n % 20 == 0):
print n
n = n – 10
80 60 40 20
3b a = ‘Hi’
b = a * 3
c = b + ‘How are you?’
d = c [0:6]
print d
4 Write the output of the Program
(3 points)
str1 = ‘thIs exAM is onLY for practicING’
str2 = ‘Aa’
for ch in str1:
if not ch.islower() and ch not in str2 and not ch.isspace() :
print ch
5 Write down the final contents of the list. (Hint : A is less than a)
(3 points)
planets = [‘earth’,’mercury’,’Venus’,’Mars’]
planets. append ( ‘Jupiter’)
planets. sort ( )
del planets[0]
planets. reverse ( )
print planets
mercury, earth, Venus, Mars
6 Write a program to read in 3 test scores. Take the highest two scores and calculate average score.
Print all the prime numbers between 0 to 100.
(6 points)
3 input statements
a = input(“Enter score 1”);
Write if else statements to get the biggest two.
Find the average.
Or you can put them in a list , sort it and take average from last two.
7 Write a Program to generate 10 random numbers between -100 and 100
Write a program to read in date of birth and make sure it is in mm/dd/yyyy format.
import random
for i in range [0,11]:
i = random.randint(-100,101)
print i
DOB program
dob = raw_input(‘’);
length is 10
dob[2] and dob[5] is ‘’
dob[0:2] and dob [3:5] and dob[6:10] isdigit()
8 Write a Program to read in a file name. Open the file in read mode and count the number of characters, words and lines in the file.
(10 points)
9 Write a program using Visual Python module to:
> Assign a background color of your choice
> Create a ball at position (x , y , z)= ( -1, 1, 0) of radius = 0.5 and color of your choice.
> Create a Wall at position (x , y , z) = ( 3, 0, 0) of any size and color of your choice.
> Set the rate to 100 and make the ball to bounce off on the wall.
Write a program to define a Point Class, which has 2 attributes x-coordinate and y- coordinate. In the main function create 2 points(Instances of points)
at (1.0, 1.0) and (5.0,1.0) and calculate the distance between them. (dist = sqrt( (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2)
(10 points)
10 Bonus Question ( 5 points)
I love playing with strings and numbers. Can you understand my message?
Harry 0-2 Heaven 3-4 Gravity 2 Winnie 3-4 Advice 4-5 Doctor 0
Eat 1 Yummy 4