Critical infrastructure

Identify a specific critical infrastructure. Examples would be a nuclear plant (e.g., Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station), a utility system (e.g., Duke Energy),
or a critical network (e.g., Metro New York 9-1-1 system or Amtrak), to name a few. Determine the sector with which the infrastructure is associated and why
CIP efforts are needed.
Note that in the rubric for this assignment, the creativity and thought put into your selection is worth a substantial portion of your grade. You are encouraged
to choose a local infrastructure with which you are familiar or have a personal or professional vested interest in to gain the most benefit from this
assignment. Choosing an infrastructure with complex factors and a broad public impact will give you greater opportunity to apply knowledge learned in this
course. Choosing a smaller or limited infrastructure (e.g., your local shopping mall) is not recommended.
Briefly identify any known or expected threats (natural, technological, and manmade events or disasters) that could impact the selected critical infrastructure
and would require specific resiliency plan actions.
Identify at least three resources that can meet the following criteria:
assist in developing a threat assessment for the critical infrastructure, and
identify strategies to implement for safer facilities and networks.

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