Critical Incident Debriefing

Critical Incident Debriefing

Order Description
Introduction: Define Critical Incident Debriefing by refering to best research on the subject; reference the research. Why is it important to psychiatric nursing in Uk-refer to nursing and Midwifery Code of Professional Conduct (in particular clauses 35 and 40 in the code.
Main part of the assignment to be set out as follows:

What does the Trust Policy say about this aspect of critical incident debriefing: Staff: “What happened? A description of the event?” How does research on critical incident debriefing agree and disagree with trust policy on this specific aspect of critical incident debriefing? Give examples from research for this question
Adopt the same approach for the rest of the essay for each aspect of critical incident debriefing outlined below, ie: what does the trustpolicy say about the aspect of critical incident debriefing?, How does research on critical incident debriefing agree and disagree with trust policy relating to this Specific aspect of critical incident debriefing? Give examples from research. Aspects to be covered:

Staff debriefing “Any trigger factors”

Staff debriefing: “How do they feel?”

Staff debriefing “How they might feel in the next few days”

Staff debriefing: “What can be done to prevent further reaccurance or minimise risk”

Staff debriefing”How good/bad was the incident dealt with”

Patient debriefing

Relative debriefing

Conclusion: 500 words approx:

Overall evaluation of the trust policy, good and bad points. What could a staff nurse do to improve practice on a ward; how does this relate to the nursing code of professional conduct?

Give example of a theoretical teaching programme that could be designed and implemented to improve practice on the ward. Relate any outlined teaching plan to any examples of current teaching programmes being used and reference these examples.

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