Critical Book Review

Critical Book Review (3-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font) You can use APA 7th edition.

  1. Complete citation for the book including: Title, author, city of publication, publisher, date.
  2. What is the author’s major thesis?
  3. How convincing is the author in supporting the major thesis? What does he/she use to support thesis?
  4. What major theoretical perspective(s) is(are) represented?
  5. Are there apparent biases? If so, what are they?
  6. What are the major strengths of the book?
  7. What are the major weaknesses of the book?
  8. Does this book make a major contribution to the field of sociology? If so, what is that contribution? If not, why
  9. What is your personal reaction to the book? Would you recommend it to others? Why? Why not?
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