Critical analysis of various media.

Develop skills in the critical analysis of various media. You will be able to engage the content from varied perspectives which serves to encourage viewing and questioning through different lenses. This activity will also help you to think critically as you develop and produce your final video project.

Directions: You will write a scholarly critique of each module’s set of readings. A scholarly critique is not a re-telling or a summary of the plain sense of the text(s). Rather, it is a document which articulates an understanding, an analysis and a capacity to identify intellectual and pragmatic/ pedagogical application(s) of the reading to teaching and learning in urban contexts. You may select a role from the Critic List (Word provided and write from that perspective—for example Feminist, Philosopher King / Queen, etc. Given the density of the course readings, you are not expected to critique every aspect of the text, but rather select one or more big ideas and focus the bulk of your analysis there

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