critical analysis of an editorial piece or op-ed piece from a major Canadian newspaper Order Description Critically analyze an editorial or an op-ed piece from a major Canadian newspaper (Globe and Mail, National Post, Vancouver Province, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, La Liberté, Toronto Star, London Free Press, Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette, New Brunswick Telegraph Journal, Halifax Herald) or magazine (The Walrus, Macleans) that has appeared in the last 3 months relating to a FEDERAL political institution (constitution, federalism, Crown/Governor General, Prime Minister, Cabinet, House of Commons, Senate, electoral system, party system, bureaucracy, judiciary, Charter of Rights). Make sure that the focus of the article is on the institution in question rather than a specific policy issue or person. N.B. The article CANNOT be about the federal parties’ 2015 election platforms on institutional reform. The article chosen should be approximately 250 to 600 words long. Please be aware that if the article is too short there will not be enough material to analyze; if it is too long, there will be too much! Choose an article that is expressing a point of view rather than merely reporting facts. Construct a critical analysis of the author’s argument regarding the institution (in 5 double-spaced pages in 12-pt Times New Roman with 1-inch margins, plus references). After summarizing the main point of the article, address the following questions (as relevant): ? What is the problematic the piece addresses? ? What is the author’s purpose in writing this text? What does s/he want to accomplish? PSCI 2003B – Canadian Political Institutions, F2015 Page 7 of 17 Put it into your own words. ? Who is the author (or who are the authors) and is her/his own social profile at all significant regarding what s/he is saying and why s/he is saying it? ? Is the author criticizing or lauding the institution and why? ? Is the piece argued strongly or poorly, and according to what criteria? ? Does the author provide sufficient background information to support the argument? ? Are opinions presented as if they are facts? ? Does the author oversimplify complex ideas or make unsupported generalizations? ? Were any important pieces of information left out? ? Does the author represent the ideas of others fairly and accurately? ? Does the author appeal to prejudice or fear? If so, how? ? Does the author present a balanced picture of the issue? ? Does the author ‘s language, tone, or choice of examples reveal any biases? If so, do the author’s biases reduce her or his credibility? ? Does the text challenge your own values, beliefs, and assumptions? ? Was the overall argument convincing? Why, or why not? ? What position would you take on the matter? Your chosen article MUST be approved by your TA. Although this is a think-piece rather than a research essay, you should at the very least read the chapter or chapters in the course texts relating to the institution in question in order to help you evaluate the author’s argument (and cite appropriately). You MUST submit a hard copy of the article with your critical analysis.

critical analysis of an editorial piece or op-ed piece from a major Canadian newspaper

Order Description

Critically analyze an editorial or an op-ed piece from a major Canadian newspaper (Globe and
Mail, National Post, Vancouver Province, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, La Liberté, Toronto
Star, London Free Press, Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette, New Brunswick Telegraph Journal,
Halifax Herald) or magazine (The Walrus, Macleans) that has appeared in the last 3 months
relating to a FEDERAL political institution (constitution, federalism, Crown/Governor General,
Prime Minister, Cabinet, House of Commons, Senate, electoral system, party system,
bureaucracy, judiciary, Charter of Rights). Make sure that the focus of the article is on the
institution in question rather than a specific policy issue or person.
N.B. The article CANNOT be about the federal parties’ 2015 election platforms
on institutional reform.
The article chosen should be approximately 250 to 600 words long. Please be aware that if the
article is too short there will not be enough material to analyze; if it is too long, there will be too
much! Choose an article that is expressing a point of view rather than merely reporting facts.
Construct a critical analysis of the author’s argument regarding the institution (in 5 double-spaced
pages in 12-pt Times New Roman with 1-inch margins, plus references). After summarizing the
main point of the article, address the following questions (as relevant):
? What is the problematic the piece addresses?
? What is the author’s purpose in writing this text? What does s/he want to accomplish?
PSCI 2003B – Canadian Political Institutions, F2015 Page 7 of 17
Put it into your own words.
? Who is the author (or who are the authors) and is her/his own social profile at all significant
regarding what s/he is saying and why s/he is saying it?
? Is the author criticizing or lauding the institution and why?
? Is the piece argued strongly or poorly, and according to what criteria?
? Does the author provide sufficient background information to support the argument?
? Are opinions presented as if they are facts?
? Does the author oversimplify complex ideas or make unsupported generalizations?
? Were any important pieces of information left out?
? Does the author represent the ideas of others fairly and accurately?
? Does the author appeal to prejudice or fear? If so, how?
? Does the author present a balanced picture of the issue?
? Does the author ‘s language, tone, or choice of examples reveal any biases? If so, do the
author’s biases reduce her or his credibility?
? Does the text challenge your own values, beliefs, and assumptions?
? Was the overall argument convincing? Why, or why not?
? What position would you take on the matter?
Your chosen article MUST be approved by your TA. Although this is a think-piece rather than a
research essay, you should at the very least read the chapter or chapters in the course texts relating
to the institution in question in order to help you evaluate the author’s argument (and cite
appropriately). You MUST submit a hard copy of the article with your critical analysis.

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