creating a classroom activity using a movie
creating a classroom activity using a movie
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usinguse Snow-white movie. And create an activity about adjectives. Using the seven dwarfs names for the adjectives “Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy” design a classroom English language activity that integrate the four language skills. The paper should include 1- a rational for the reason of choosing the source “Cinderella movie” 2-the audience “ESL students ” 3-level of language proficiency 4-time of activity will take 5-the goal 6- outcome language objectives. 7-procedures of the activity. 8- caveat for differentiation for each of the other TWO proficiency levels. 9- ONE caveat for differentiation for at least ONE other AGE level.
A. Create Teaching Materials The instructional materials should be tasks, activities, and exercises. Use the textbooks from the course to inform your creation of materials. Design your tasks and activities as best as you can so that they show integration of the skills. Remember to include the elements of a lesson: intended audience, goals, objectives, materials, procedures, etc.
1) Create ONE full, ORIGINAL lesson for ONE proficiency level for each source.
2) Create ONE caveat for differentiation for each of the other TWO proficiency levels.
3) Create ONE caveat for differentiation for at least ONE other AGE level.