course project; Should the U.S. pass a law or constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget every year? Why? What are possible pros and cons of doing so?
Order Description
Go to the following link, complete the simulation, print your completed simulation and save it in an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file, and answer the questions below in a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) compatible file. To submit your assignment click on the “Course Project” link above. Attach both the Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat files when submitting. The Microsoft Word portion of this assignment is to be formatted according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Papers not formatted properly will lose points. Papers with grammar and spelling mistakes will lose points. Students should use Times New Roman or Arial 12 point as the paper’s font, double space the text, and create one inch margins on all four sides of the page. Students should not attempt the course project until having completed all lesson assignments so as to sufficiently respond to the questions below.
1. List all the areas that you chose to cut and explain why you chose to cut each of them rather than elsewhere.
2. Were there any areas that you chose to reduce revenue by either spending more or instituting tax cuts? Where there any areas that you chose to increase revenue by raising taxes? Why did you choose to do this?
3. What was your final number and % of GDP? Do you think yours is reasonable as a real world budget? If you were the President and you advocated these budget changes, who do you think would support you? Who do you think would oppose you? Why?
4. Should the U.S. pass a law or constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget every year? Why? What are possible pros and cons of doing so?
5. What does the textbook say about deficits? Can they ever be good? If so, under what conditions?
this is the link to do the simulation. i will need that sent as a pdf
if you have any questions please ask. I also dont know if you will need 550 word my directions don’t specify how many words.
The book we are working out of is The Enduring Demcracy
course project; Should the U.S. pass a law or constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget every year? Why? What are possible pros and cons of doing so?
course project; Should the U.S. pass a law or constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget every year? Why? What are possible pros and cons of doing so?
Order Description
Go to the following link, complete the simulation, print your completed simulation and save it in an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file, and answer the questions below in a
Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) compatible file. To submit your assignment click on the “Course Project” link above. Attach both the Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat
files when submitting. The Microsoft Word portion of this assignment is to be formatted according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Papers not
formatted properly will lose points. Papers with grammar and spelling mistakes will lose points. Students should use Times New Roman or Arial 12 point as the paper’s
font, double space the text, and create one inch margins on all four sides of the page. Students should not attempt the course project until having completed all
lesson assignments so as to sufficiently respond to the questions below.
1. List all the areas that you chose to cut and explain why you chose to cut each of them rather than elsewhere.
2. Were there any areas that you chose to reduce revenue by either spending more or instituting tax cuts? Where there any areas that you chose to increase revenue by
raising taxes? Why did you choose to do this?
3. What was your final number and % of GDP? Do you think yours is reasonable as a real world budget? If you were the President and you advocated these budget changes,
who do you think would support you? Who do you think would oppose you? Why?
4. Should the U.S. pass a law or constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget every year? Why? What are possible pros and cons of doing so?
5. What does the textbook say about deficits? Can they ever be good? If so, under what conditions?
this is the link to do the simulation. i will need that sent as a pdf
if you have any questions please ask. I also dont know if you will need 550 word my directions don’t specify how many words.
The book we are working out of is The Enduring Demcracy