Context Diagrams / DFD’s / Decision Table / Decision Tree
Context Diagrams / DFD’s / Decision Table / Decision Tree
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1. A doctors’ surgery is staffed by five doctors, a receptionist and a manager. They need an information system to help them to run the facility.
Surgery System description
A patient may ring the surgery to make an appointment with a doctor. Each patient nominally has a doctor associated with him or her but they may often opt to see any doctor in the surgery that is available. The receptionist sees which doctors are on duty on which days and offers appointment alternatives from which the patient may choose. Appointments may be made for up to six weeks in advance. Each appointment can be 5, 10 or 20 minutes long, dependent on the reported reason for seeing the doctor. This reason is recorded on the system. If an appointment is not available within a short time and the patient must be seen quickly they are asked to attend an emergency surgery that takes place every evening between 5 and 6 p.m. Some appointments are for a doctor to go and visit a patient at home when the patient cannot come to the surgery. Every day one of the doctors is available for home visits in the afternoon.
Appointments that are more than 3 weeks past their scheduled date are automatically deleted from the system. Sometimes patients ring to cancel appointments
A record is kept of each patient and the treatments they have received for any ailments they may have had. Here are recorded many details such as allergies, details of which drugs patients have been administered in which quantities and when. Also relevant personal details of each patient are recorded. Typically the doctor who sees a patient will want access to this information before deciding on the relevant treatment to give. When the doctor prescribes treatment, details will be recorded in the patient’s record.
Repeat prescriptions are automatically produced by the system and are available for collection at the surgery by the patient. At any time a doctor may suspend or cancel the prescriptions.
Patients may register with the surgery providing the number registered to each doctor is not above a certain maximum. Sometimes patients die or leave the area. In this case the patient is removed from the system and their details are archived. The manager is responsible for dealing with patient removals.
a. Construct a context diagram and a level 0 Data Flow Diagram for the surgery system.
b. Suppose that one of the processes in the process model of the surgery system is named “Make appointment”. This process is, as its name implies, responsible for allowing patients to make appointments. This process captures the majority of the explanation within the first paragraph of the surgery system description. Develop a logic model, using an appropriate technique, to document that process.
CRICOS Provider No. 00120C
2. Suppose the decision table shown below is intended to specify the action(s) to be taken regarding special examinations for students at ANU. In it Y = ‘Yes’ and N = ‘No’.
Conditions/Actions Rules