Contemporary Moral Issues
Contemporary Moral Issues
Order Description
The point of this first assignment is to give you a chance to learn how to write a philosophy paper. That it is short means
1. it is worth fewer marks,
2. you have less chance to seriously wander off topic,
3. you have to focus your thinking, and be clear and concise in your presentation, and
4. you can present an argument which is shorter, more compact and manageable, than in a longer essay.
Keep these four points in mind when choosing one of the topics below and when writing your essay. It is important that you present an argument where you state a position and defend it with evidence from the texts, and you will be marked on your ability to do this. That said, while I am giving you a choice of two very narrow topics, in presenting your case you may draw on any of the course material we have considered so far.
1. How does an obligation, if we have any at all, to future generations effect our obligations to the environment? If saving the environment for future generation means deprivation and suffering today, do we still have an obligation? If so, how wretched must we make ourselves? Consider the views of Arne Naess and Trudy Govier.
2. Peter Singer and Garrett Hardin argue for completely different responses to the world’s hungry. Who has the better argument, and why?