Consumption contribute to environmental pollution

1-In what ways do coal production and consumption contribute to environmental pollution? (at least 1 paragraph for full credit)

2-Beyond oil spills, what are the other major environmental impacts of oil production, transport, storage, and consumption?
(at least 1 paragraph for full credit)

3-Even without the possibility of a nuclear accident, no primary energy source seems to generate more controversy and debate in the U.S. than nuclear power. Discuss 3 important environmental impacts that are a result of the normal operation of a nuclear power plant. (Response should be 2-3 paragraphs)

4-List four (4) countries that are dominant players in the trade of oil commodities?

5-Briefly describe what causes a meltdown at a nuclear power facility. (1 paragraph)

6-What does peak oil mean and why are scientists concerned about the future of oil production?

7-What is radiation? Are all forms of radiation dangerous? Why or why not? (1 paragraph)

8-What is the difference between fossil fuel resources, estimated reserves, and proven reserves?

9-What does OPEC stand for? (double check spelling for full points)

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