Consumer behavior report

Because this is a group project, I am only responsible for the secondary research. (More details of this part in
in the attachment) And our topic is Canada goose. Writer must include the following in the report. Analyze the
product category selection, brand selection and post-purchase usage. Examine cultural, sociological, and
psychological factors that influenced your consumption. Focus on why she bought what she bought more than
on what, where, when and how, unless it relates to the motivations and behaviour in some way. You may also
analyze the customer/retail/online experience insofar as it relates to concepts covered in readings, lectures and
in-class discussions. Also, please note if social or digital media played a role in influencing purchase.
While it is good to use course concepts, a terminology-heavy description is insufficient. You are expected to put
together a conceptually-driven, integrated analysis. If a statement is so generic that it could fit in anyone’s
paper, it probably doesn’t belong in yours. (WENZHENG)

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