Conceptualizations of sex work

Questions have been copied below: 1 Discuss and explain three of the five conceptualizations of sex work. What legal responses are based on these conceptualizations? Drawing from course readings and lecture content, provide historical and contemporary examples and explanations as suitable. 2 Discuss the role of policy as addressed in Out of Control and Highway of Tears. You might consider how it relates to the law being followed and/or circumvent​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ed, or what policy permits/makes possible. Draw on relevant course content such as, but not limited to, the NIMMIWG legal supplement and Hannah-Moffat, for example. 3 How does safety figure in the arguments made in Bedford? Following the Bedford decision, how have post-Bedford laws (PCEPA) impacted safety and risk for sex workers? Draw on lecture content and chapters by Belak, Sterling, and Krüsi et al. to support your arguments. 4 Drawing on class lectures and readings, compare a criminalization versus labour framework for sex work. What have been the demands by sex workers in this respect, and how have these been articulated (i.e., what are their arguments)? What potential allyships and forms of activism have been recommended at the intersection of sex work and labour, and why?

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