


Congratulations! You just finished an AAS degree in CIS (Computer Information Systems). You chose CIS because you are interested in both the technology and business aspects of a company. You enjoy explaining technical information to non-technical people in a way they can understand. You were recently hired by Amazon, the largest online retailer, with over 100 billion in annual sales. It is your second week on the job and your supervisor, Ms. , sent you the following email:
I hope you had a good first week at Amazon!
We have 100 college student interns coming next week to begin a 10-week long internship program with us. They will be working in various departments throughout the organization, but they all will need to know basic information about computer information systems. To help them get on track quickly, we need you to create a training document explaining digital basics to the student interns in such a way that is easily understandable.
Please use technical writing format as you create the interns’ training document.  We use both technical writing and business writing here at Amazon. Business writing is primarily for communication and technical writing is for instructions, explanation of information, reporting, etc. The following link provides you information on technical writing:
As you create the document, format it appropriately using tables and bulleted lists where applicable. Divide the document into parts:• Digital Sound• Digital Video• Digital Imaging• Device Basics• Device Options• Processors and Memory• Storage• Input and Output
On the following page are the topics and information that needs to be contained in your document.
Remember that the college interns may know about these devices, but may or may not have understanding of the details, the differences and how they work. Write your training document so that they can get a better understanding. Use analogies, examples, etc. in your document.

Digital SoundEvaluate four digital audio file formats, identifying their respective file extensions, the differences among them and compare how each of the four types of audio format are used.Compare the difference between digital audio and MIDI, and identify why most audio files are compressed, and explain the effect of compression on sound qualityExplain when it is better to download music rather than to live stream and describe the reasons why. Digital ImagingDifferentiate between bitmap and vector file formats and identify instances where each would be used and why. Identify the file extensions associated with each.Describe a 3D graphic, how it is created, and create a list of five occupations that may work with 3D graphics.Experiment with CMYK and RGB color models and recommend which should be used in specific instances. Recommend which should be used in print and which is used on screen and why.Summarize the process of how cameras and scanners produce digital images. Compare differences between the production of images on film and digital images.Digital VideoEvaluate four video file formats, identify their respective file extensions, the differences among them and compare how each of the four types of audio format are used.Recommend which video format should be used on iPhone, Android, television, Web browsers and others and why. Compare aspect ratios between each device, explaining the significance.Describe aspect ratio and explain how it relates to resolution. Recommend an aspect ratio for iPhone screens, iPad screens, YouTube, and laptop computer screens.Identify four devices and other sources that are commonly used to capture video footage.Device Basics:Describe the stored program concept and why it distinguishes computers from other simpler and less versatile digital devices.Identify which of the following are application software and which are system software: iOS, Windows, Microsoft Word, Android, PowerPoint.Identify the components of a typical device that has a component, clamshell, or slate form factor.List six steps to take to increase battery life and lifespan.Device OptionsList three types of computers that are commonly used in businesses, serve multiple simultaneous users, and offer very fast processing speeds.List the devices that typically support cellular voice and texting. List devices that can support cellular data plans.Identify three operating systems that are common in each of the following categories: desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.Create a purchase plan for purchasing a digital device, based on device usage, type of device, budget, platform and device specifications.Processors and Memory:Describe the significance of microprocessor instruction sets and trace an instruction through RAM, the control unit, and ALU as it is processed.Discuss and provide examples of the differences between serial processing, pipeline processing and parallel processing.Explain the difference between ROM and RAM and the purpose of each in digital devices.StorageIdentify the technology used for hard disk drives, DVDs, USB drives, and other storage accessories.State the advantages and disadvantages of storage devices that use magnetic storage technology.Compare magnetic storagage, optical storage and solid state storage. When is each commonly used, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each.Evaluate whether to use local or cloud storage for various projects using examples.Input and OutputCategorize devices as input, output, or mixed.Identify common expansion ports and connectors, such as USB, VG A, HDMI, DVI, DisplayPort, Thunderbolt, and Ethernet.Explain the purpose of a device driver and why one might have to be installed or updated manually.List four factors that affect display quality. Explain how resolution settings affect the size of objects and text on the screen. Describe IoT devices. What are the basic features required for IoT devices?




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