Composition and Rhetoric
While the cause of my brother’s behavior may be much deeper than the church he belongs to, this particular church exhibits cult like tendencies because a significant time commitment is expected from its member, most of their members joined during a very vulnerable time in their lives, and the church is involved in every aspect of your life, from work all the way to your family and everything in between.
Paragraph #1:
First, this particular church has cult like tendencies because a significant time commitment is expected from its member.
Going to talk about the history of cults/what they are
In this paragraph I plan to list a few religious based cults that exhibit different levels of extreme behaviors. The main cults I will be discussing are Word of Faith Fellowship located in Spindale, North Carolina and Remnant Fellowship located in Brentwood, Tennessee as well as a few others including the church that my brother is affiliated with (although I haven’t decided if I want to name drop the church in question instead, I might use its initials whenever I refer it to).
Paragraph #1.2:
Discussing the beginning of my brother’s strange behavior
Here I will give a brief backstory on his original behavior and when it started to change along with the different behaviors.
Paragraph #2:
Additionally, most of their members joined during a very vulnerable time in their lives.
Examples of the types of people are targeted by cults and their psychological state at the time
This paragraph will focus mainly on the cults’ practices of seeking out vulnerable individuals and their mental state during their recruitment, time in the cult, and after they leave the cult. I will also throw in how joining affects the victims’ family and friends in the outside world.
Paragraph #2.2:
Discussing other possible reason for my brother’s behavior ex. depression
This paragraph will focus on reasons outside of religion-based cults that may have caused my brother’s strange shift in behavior as well as also giving a breakdown of what depression is and how you can identify it.
Paragraph #3:
Finally, this particular church has cult like tendencies because the church is involved in every aspect of your life, from work all the way to your family and everything in between
Plan to discuss how a cult ultimately takes over the person’s life and free will
I plan to give examples of how cults tend to turn people against those who are not affiliated with the cult, manipulate people into believing that the things they are doing are not evil but instead are things that must be done in the name of Lord.
Paragraph #3.2:
Discussing how my brother changed his entire life plan to align with what the church wanted
Concluding Paragraph:
Thus, while the cause of my brother’s behavior may be much deeper than the church he belongs to, this particular church has cult like tendencies.
Restating claims made in the paper and concluding everything