Comparing the style of Red-Figure Volute Krater by The painter of Copenhagen and Volute Krater by Baltimore Painter.

Comparing the style of Red-Figure Volute Krater by The painter of Copenhagen and Volute Krater by Baltimore Painter.

This project entails one 1,000-word paper—approximately 3-4 pages. You will need to visit a museum (in person) and the library to complete this assignment. Devise a topic from the artifact that you select from the museum. Develop a creative thesis discuss at least one/two or more works of art that relate to that topic. Works chosen must relate to the topic and support your thesis. You should formally analyze and interpret each work of art.

(10 points) The text of the paper should be three to four pages. Appendices, footnotes, references or Xerox copies from other sources are not considered “text.” Use 12-point New Times Roman or Arial font. The paper should be stapled and double-spaced with margins no larger than one inch.
(20 points) The paper should be free of all punctuation, spelling, grammar, typographical and usage errors. Points will be deducted after the first three errors.
(10 points) Do not divide your paper into sections. It should read as one coherent, organized essay with smooth transitions between ideas.
(10 points) Attach a list of four references on a separate page. Two required references
must be books. For this paper, encyclopedia entries and dictionaries are not acceptable for the required references. Outside of these requirements, additional scholarly internet sources may be used. Please see p. 21 in your workbook. Wikipedia, for example, is not a legitimate scholarly source. Format footnotes, endnotes or in-text citations as well as the sources listed on the reference page according to the guidelines in The Chicago Manual of Style. Refer to pp. 21-22 in your workbook for examples.
CONTENT: (50%)
(20 points) Analyze at least one work of art in your paper. You may need to analyze more if you are comparing and contrasting two works or styles of art by a(n) artist(s) or within a specific civilization. For help with comparing and contrasting works of art, please see pp. 13-15 in your workbook. Each critique (if there is more than one) should be complete and involve more than mere description. There should be a formal analysis followed by an interpretation of the work(s). For your final paper, the formal analysis should be no more than two paragraphs; the rest of your paper should focus on research.
(15 points) The topic is the focus of the paper. There is no extraneous information. The paper reflects a working thesis. Do not write a biography or a book report.
(15 points) The content is accurate. There are facts to support each assertion.
Photo of the art piece

Details to include: Characteristic of the kraters, Color, Structure, the story of the scene in the pottery and the artistic style.

-How does these pottery help us understand the culture in Ancient Greek?

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