Comparing Means Scenario

Use attachments with 1.3 as background as well as the link: necessary for this assignment
When comparing means, we would like to know if they are significantly different. Keeping in mind that your data in your spreadsheet gives three different groups of data, one for 2017, 2018, and 2019, simple comparisons of means procedures typically only cover two means. Running multiple tests is not ideal, but for our purposes, let’s examine the independent-t procedure. Simply put, in this case we have the following (Attached file research questions and hypothesis:
Why might we want to explore this? Perhaps we have implemented a solution to the problem and want to see if it was effective. Maybe we just want to see if there is a difference so we can begin to look for variables that might have impacted the change. Regardless, an independent-t test can tell us if two means are significantly different.
Following the video instructions, perform an independent-t test on your data sets for 2017 – 2018 and a t-test on your data sets for 2018 – 2019. Be sure to review the p value of the tests.
· Are there significant differences between these years? (*Note, run two separate t-tests)
· Be sure to label your output statistics on your worksheet so your instructor can identify the years you are comparing.
· Imagine you are speaking to the same individual that you explained the descriptive statistics to in M1.3, again, assuming they cannot see the data and know nothing about statistics. Their question to you is, “So there are differences between the years. How large are those differences really and what does that mean?” In a separate Word document, explain what t-tests are and how they work, and give the results of your two t-tests, explaining significance and what that means.

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