Compare and contrast structured versus unstructured employment interviews in terms of their validity and reliability.

Compare and contrast structured versus unstructured employment interviews in terms of their validity and reliability. Explain why structured interviews might be more valid and reliable in terms of their predictive validity.

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Compare and contrast structured versus unstructured employment interviews in terms of their validity and reliability. Explain why structured interviews might be more valid and reliable in terms of their predictive validity. In your answer, please consider how structured and unstructured interviews may differ in terms of their usability, reliability and validity in predicting employees’ performance. Your answer should draw from the extensive literature on personnel selection, the reading materials for this module as well, of course, from the lecture notes and from additional readings and references to key articles and publications given in the relevant lectures or through library consultation. After reading the materials of this course you should be able demonstrate knowledge and understanding about these two selection procedures as well as critically discuss the major concerns associated with their reliability and predictability of employee’s performance in current changing environments. When attempting to answer this question, it may be advisable to break it down and assess what is actually required in each part.

Compare and contrast structured versus unstructured employment interviews in terms of their validity and reliability. Explain why structured interviews might be more valid and reliable in terms of their predictive validity.

In your answer, please consider how structured and unstructured interviews may differ in terms of their usability, reliability and validity in predicting employees’ performance. Your answer should draw from the extensive literature on personnel selection, the reading materials for this module as well, of course, from the lecture notes and from additional readings and references to key articles and publications given in the relevant lectures or through library consultation.

After reading the materials of this course you should be able demonstrate knowledge and understanding about these two selection procedures as well as critically discuss the major concerns associated with their reliability and predictability of employee’s performance in current changing environments.

When attempting to answer this question, it may be advisable to break it down and assess what is actually required in each part.

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