Company’s trademark that has been awarded protection by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Research and discuss a company’s trademark that has been awarded protection by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. You may select the company that you work for, or a company you aspire to work for. You’re welcome to select one simply from a company you admire or that intrigues you in any way. Have fun making a choice.

Describe the trademark, its application (e.g., does it cover merchandise, a service, a website … what does the mark relate to?). Was there any objections or litigation surround the trademark application or award? If so write about that. Do you believe there is a risk of infringement? Are there international IP implications? What other interesting information surrounded its application or award? In [too?] many cases, it’s not so simple as designing a mark and completing governmental documents, so help your classmates learn about the complicated, challenging process of filing for and attaining IP protection from the U.S. government.

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