Company & Market Analysis Project (CMA)
Learning Goal: I’m working on a micro economics discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
I chose Saudi Aramco company read the instruction carefully, do all the needed items. I need total 6 pages (2 pages for each note)
Requirements: read the instruction carefully
MICROECONOMICSCompany & Market Analysis Project (CMA)During the term you and a partner will prepare 3 Analyst Notes (further referred to as ANs), in which youwill choose a public company, analyze its demand, costs, review a related commodity market, as well as aneconomic policy that affects the company or a related market. You and your partner writing the ANs will actas a team of economic consultants hired by an external client who is interested in investing in the companythat you chose. Your tasks will include: 1) gathering and analyzing data; 2) writing up your analysis in ananalytical style of writing; 3) presenting your analysis to the external audience (i.e., the class). Assume thatyour client is an Econ buff, specifically asking you to include economics terminology and graphical economicsmodels.By doing the project you will:- learn how to gather and analyze data on specific companies and markets;- use the library and other research databases and tools;- build team-working skills;- apply economic models to analysis of markets and events;- work on your professional writing and public speaking skills.DO NOT TREAT THIS PROJECT AS ANOTHER PAPER YOU HAVE TO WRITE. TREAT IS AS AREAL JOB ASSIGNMENT THAT INVOLVES REAL PROFESSIONAL RESEARCH, WRITING ANDPRESNTATION.CHOOSING A COMPANY/COMMODITY/POLICY