Company Management

Research Paper

Guidelines for possible Research Project Outline

  1. Introduction
    • Background
    o Overview of Company – products, services, performance
    o Evolution and overview of relevant issue or problem
    o How your role fits into the company, issue or problem

• Situation description
o What impact does the relevant issue/problem have on the Company’s bottom line
o What needs to happen to affect the problem, to change or improve
o What are other companies doing in relation to the issue/situation
o What steps will you take to research the situation

  1. Project planning
    • Objectives
    o Research and learn Best Practices as they relate to the relevant issue
    o Understand the Cost and Benefits of these Best Practices
    o Develop plan to implement changes and/or improve and relevant issue
    o Think about how the Company will receive these changes, what can be done to make them relevant and accepted
    • Questions
    o How do the improvements get launched?
    o How are business cases for the changes created?
    o What role does Change Management play?
    o What role does governance play?
    o How will the benefits, savings, etc. be tracked and measured?
    o Metrics?
    • Alternatives
    o Identify other companies with similar situations – could be same or outside your industry
    o Attend Conferences if available to help solidify the solution
    o Research online
    o Research with fellow MSU Master Students
  2. Methodology
    • Analysis method & Data Collections
    o Review the alternatives used above (benchmark firms, Conferences, etc)
    o Provide commentary on how research was collected
    • Validation
    o Do Metrics reflect positive results?
    o Depending on issue, validation methods will vary
  3. Results
    • Findings from analysis
    • Answers to questions
  4. Conclusions
    • Management recommendations
    • Generalizations
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