Communication IMplications and the Movie Jerry Maguire(1997)
Communication IMplications and the Movie Jerry Maguire(1997)
Order Description
written on the 1997 movie Jerry Maguire and making connections to the movie and commications implications. Ensure to also site book-Human Communication in Society, 3/e by Jess K. Alber
Paper Guidelines– must be submitted to Blackboard Turnitin dropbox: You will need to write a 4-5 page paper that demonstrates your ability to make connections to a
movie and its communication implications. For this paper you will watch the movie Jerry Maguire (1997) and relate it to the various topics discussed throughout the
course. Your paper must cover the following when writing your paper: The various relationships in the film. Discuss the importance of each and touch on some of the
components listed in chapter 9 of your text. Based on chapter 3 and 4, discuss how Jerry identifies himself and how the importance of perception plays in his
particular life (i.e, football and personal life). Identify some of the verbal (chapter 5) and non-verbal (chapter 6) cues that Jerry uses throughout the film and
explain why you choose these to be deemed as important. Discuss the use and misuses of Mass Media Communication (chapter 13 and 14) through the film on Jerry’s
behalf. How did the media help or hurt him in his end goal of ‘Getting Paid’. Finally, how do you think Jerry could have improved his communication skills over the
course of the movie? Provide examples of what would have been a better way to go about communicating in the given situations. 12 point Times Roman font). Each section
is graded both on content (for example, accuracy of definitions and quality of your ideas) and writing (spelling, grammar, clarity, and punctuation). You should
include at least 2 academic sources (including your textbook) so you will need to add a reference page and cite sources in APA style. **TURNITIN.COM and Grademark 1.
Review the detailed Turnitin instructions on how to submit your assignments and how to review the Grademark comments (feedback) from your professor. 2. All written
assignments must be submitted to Turnitin Dropboxes by the posted deadline. Assignments submitted by any other means will not be accepted. 3. Turnitin drop boxes will
be available within the Assignment Dropbox link off the course tools menu on the left hand side of the page within Blackboard. 4. Within one week after the
assignment’s deadline has passed, you will receive written feedback on your assignment. The written comments on your assignment are accessible using the GradeMark
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Late submissions are only eligible for a maximum of 50% of the assignments original point value