Combination of best inputs
Like the tutorial, you are the owner of Rebooks and More, a second-hand bookstore that resells textbooks and an assortment of other goods that appeal to college students. In the tutorial, you
created an Excel-based decision support (DSS) tool to demonstrate to a local bank that your business would benefit from a loan to implement an app that your customers could use to search your
existing inventory and make purchases for pickup at the store. This would allow you to carry and sell more inventory without having to increase shelf space and would also allow you to better
compete with online resellers like Amazon and Chegg in your local market. You were asking the bank for $120,000 to develop and deploy the app and the bank had offered you a rate of 3% for a five
year term.
In this case study, it is now one year later in 2018 and you have successfully developed and implemented the app. The app has been more successful than you predicted and the economy has weakened.
The combination of these two factors has led to a significant growth in your business over the last 12 months and you are hoping to capitalize on that momentum by initiating delivery services so
customers will be able to purchase from you without having to travel to your store. You want to see if offering free delivery on orders over $35 will be a good decision for your business. You
decide to construct a decision support (DSS) tool based on the analysis you did last year for the bank, but for this analysis, you want to look at the next four years of data.
What combination of inputs is best for you as the owner of ReBooks and More and why is that combination best?
Based on the results of your analysis, should you implement free delivery? Explain why you should or should not implement free delivery.
Your analysis makes some assumptions about the impact of the economy, inflation, and competition on your business. Explain those assumptions.