Columbia University -Teachers college

Columbia University -Teachers college

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Program Description:
The MA program in elementary education (CUED) is a 32 point program which can lead to professional certification as a grades 1-6 teacher in New York State. The program supports three shared philosophical stances underlying our long-standing tradition of preparing teachers as education leaders. These stances include teaching as inquiry, teaching as curriculum making and teaching for social justice. The overarching intention of the program is to assist educators who expect to exert leadership in their school settings and with their colleagues.
Link to the program:

The three prompts we advise students to keep in mind when writing their Statement of Purpose are, “Why You?” Why Now?” and “Why TC?” Applicants should explain to the faculty why they believe TC is the right “fit” at this moment in their lives. Applicants should have a good idea what their short-term, post-graduation goals will be. Be as specific as possible when writing your statement. Do research on the college and the specific program by looking at the program’s Website. The more clarity that the applicant can provide about their decision to apply, the better.
Please write in a personal and narrative way.
Please write about:
• Why teachers college Columbia university. Please do some research about the school.
• (TC –columbia university my number choice, goal and dream for grad school)
• Particularly attracted by the schools program….etc
• Working with great faculty at TC Columbia university
• Preparing us as education leaders
• allowing me to find and explore and learn more about my style and theory in teaching/education
• Exerting leadership-working with colleagues at school
• Why new york city, TC?
• Volunteering at Newark peace soup kitchen(spending time and serving food to the people in need) has been a great impact, during the 6 years (2004-2010) of volunteering at Newark with my brothers, I have always thought about how I can make a difference in these people lives.
• When I started attending college freshman yearIalwayspondered and thought about what I should study and major- how I can make a positive impact in my community. Sophomore year of college, I realized my passion is teaching through church-working with children/students and tutoring since high school. I realized I was most happy when teaching and working with students. This is when I decided to major in education my sophomore year of college.
• During my junior professional experience at Trenton public school-Mott elementary school, my goal and dream has become stronger (my desire to work with students in the urban area)
• My calling:Where I’m needed(teaching in urban area). “Many of my students don’t have the same advantages that students from middle-class and upper-class families have, and I feel obligated to give my students the best education possible so that they can make opportunities for themselves as they get older. Teaching in an urban school is very rewarding, and even on the most stressful days, I can go home knowing that I am making a difference in my community.”
• Got this from this website:
• My experiences working at Newark and Trenton (urban area) is one of the greatest, biggest blessings for me…
• Ultimate dream and goal: teaching in urban area (new york city)-great impact and influence, building relationships with my students, understanding their situations, upbringings, letting them know that they are capable of making a difference and impacting their community in a positive way.
• being creative, further exploring and finding my style of teaching
• ultimate goal is to teach in new york city (urban area)
• after grad school, apply for teaching position in new york (urban area) to
• teach students with a sense of humor and optimistic approach
• “Urban schools can have very diverse populations, so you should have strong interpersonal skills to be able to work effectively with a wide range of cultures in the same room, keeping in mind that these students’ cultures and backgrounds may be very different from yours. Finally, because there may not be someone at home making sure students are doing their work, it’s important to have strong leadership skills to motivate your students.”
• As you write you can get ideas from here:
• After graduation I want a career where I can really make a difference in someones life (teaching in an urban school)
• project an enthusiasm and excitement for learning
• as educators, life long learners, learning a lot from our students
• deepest motivation
• lastingimpact..everlasting
• what do I offer to my students
• instill students: discipline, integrity, drive, honor, desire, motivation, positively impact generations

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