Collection of sona drawings

A collection of sona drawings reflecting some aspect of your life, optionally accompanied by a story. The underlying rules for the construction of your
drawings should not be exactly the same as for plaited-mat, lion’s stomach, or chased-chicken sona. If you prefer, you may present your drawings in the form
of Celtic knots. Your drawings should exhibit a high degree of symmetry, just like authentic sona drawings.
A collection of seven frieze patterns reflecting some aspect or aspects of your life. Each should be of a different symmetry type, and you should identify each
type by its four-character name.
A project based on some sort of kinship system, similar to that of the Warlpiri or the Malekula.
Create your own number system. Your system should include:
names for all of your numbers;
a written notational system for your numbers;
a 12×12 multiplication table, along with a descriiption of any interesting patterns in your table;
translation of the numbers 12, 21, 100, 256, 512, and 1000 into your system. You may not use base 2, 5, 10, 12, or 20 for your system. (A fictional example of
such a system can be found in the appendices of The Lord of the Rings.)

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