Cognitive and social development of the child according to piaget and Erickson.
- select a pediatric patient to observe. This may be your own child, niece, nephew, or a friend’s child.
- Record vital signs, height and weight for the child. Plot on the growth chart.
- journal observations of the child on 3 separate observations (different days) a) clothes they are wearing, b) activities they are involved in (ie play, drawing, etc) c). interaction with adults or peers.
4.identify developmental stage your patient is in according to Piaget and Erickson.
- Discuss the cognitive and social development of the child according to piaget and Erickson.
- Does the child exhibit behaviors consistent with the developmental level according to Piaget and Erikson? (give specific examples of observed behavior that support the child’s Erikson’s developmental stage.)
- Identify the significant relationships for your patient? (ie. mother, father, siblings, grandparents, etc) Do they live in a nuclear family, blended family, or alterative family?
- Define separation anxiety
- Identify three major causes of death in the following age groups:
b) early/later childhood
c) adolescence.