Coaching models can be used to help guide a conversation.

Coaching models can be used to help guide a conversation. You will find that one coaching model may be more appropriate for you and/or your coachee. You may also find that one coaching model may be better for a particular situation than others. As you examine each of the coaching models, consider which one you feel is the best fit for you and your organization.
Post a cohesive response based on your analysis of the Learning Resources and your professional experience. Be sure to discuss the following:
• Identify the characteristics, main steps, and uses of a variety of coaching models. Include at a minimum the following coaching models in a chart:
o The Coaching Manager Model (Developmental Coaching)
o The Mineral Rights Model
o The GENIUS Model
o The Flow Model
• Analyze the best practices associated with each coaching model and explain which is the most effective for you and your organization, including why.
Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, as well as other credible resources you have read, or what you have observed and experienced.

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