Clinical Governance and Improvement Practice Assessment Guidelines

Clinical Governance and Improvement Practice Assessment Guidelines
Learning Outcomes for Module
1.    Critically appraise the policies and models of clinical governance and improvement practice
2.    Critically differentiate between quality assurance, evidence-based practice and clinical effectiveness
3.    Critically examine different approaches to determining levels of quality in health care and ways of developing improvements in practice
4.    Critically analyse the role of the team in delivering quality person-centred care
Overall Assignment Question:
In the context of the present political and social climate, critically examine how health care organisations can account to the public for the quality of care delivered.
Assignment 1 for 1,000 words to meet learning outcome 1:
•    Critically appraise the policies and models of clinical governance and improvement practice.
Critical appraisal of Clinical Governance policies and models
This essay should give a brief overview of the current political and social issues affecting the provision of healthcare in the United Kingdom and critically appraise a few of the policies and models.
Assignment 2 for 4,000 words to meet learning outcomes 2-4:
•    Critically differentiate between quality assurance, evidence-based practice and clinical effectiveness
•    Critically examine different approaches to determining levels of quality in health care and ways of developing improvements in practice
•    Critically analyse the role of the team in delivering quality person-centred care.
Accounting to the public in for the quality of healthcare
This essay should set the social and political context and discuss the concept of quality in the NHS/Healthcare System and how it is managed, demonstrate how healthcare organisations account to the public by critically examining some key approaches/strategies that are in place and evaluate how the quality assurance mechanisms adopted by organisations improve practice.
Both essays should contain the following:
Introduction – The introduction will give your interpretation of the question or title,
say briefly why this topic or issue is significant, explain what the essay is going to do and identify the key points that will be presented in the essay.

Main body – The main body is where you develop the main ideas or argument, it will contain several sections, each divided into paragraphs. The paragraphs should be logically linked as you develop the themes or ideas. In the main body you will present ideas or arguments backed up by evidence from your reading. When you mention the ideas of another writer you must reference them.
Conclusion – In the conclusion you should summarise the main ideas presented. It should bring together the different strands of your essay, and should follow logically from what you have presented in the main body. The conclusion should also be linked back to the title and show how you have answered the question. The conclusion should not contain any new material. It should be based on what you have already presented.
Please make sure the essay is referenced according to the Harvard System and that you access up to date, relevant literature.

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