Clinical ethics
Clinical ethics requires grasping ethical issues, such as informed consent, truth-telling, confidentiality, end-of-life care, treatment futility, pain relief, and patients’ rights to self-determination. For each hypothetical situation described below, identify the conflicting ethical principles involved, and select at least oneappropriate action to resolve conflicting ethical principles in each case. (1–2 paragraphs each)
· An elderly patient suffers cardiac arrest and enters the intensive care unit. Her son insists that “everything possible” be done for her, and yet, she slips into a coma and is nonresponsive for months. As a healthcare administrator who oversees the organization, what steps would you recommend to address the son’s concerns?
· You are a healthcare administrator in a community with many devout Jehovah’s Witnesses. Many people in this faith refuse to receive blood transfusions. A mother calls your office to say that her 11-year-old son has been struck by a car, and asks for your reassurance that he won’t receive a transfusion if she brings him in. How will you respond?
· You are a healthcare administrator reviewing statistics on lab tests ordered, and realize that a few physicians account for the majority of orders of a certain very expensive lab test. You do a bit of research, and realize that these physicians have relationships with the manufacturers of this testing equipment. What are your next steps?