Classification is defined as “the grouping of items into categories according to some consistent principle.”
Check the examples on pages 13 and 48. Write a five-paragraph, 500-word essay, organizing the grouping of items into three distinct categories, giving you the three topics of body paragraphs. Make sure that your topic is appropriate for Classification/Division.
You might consider the following outline:
- Identify a specific topic (cars is too broad, so perhaps SUVs).
- Identify three categories (luxury, sport, economy) these will be the three points of development from the
thesis and correspond to the three body paragraphs. - Identify three specific examples for each category, giving you a total of 9 examples for the essay.
Please do not use the above topic for your assignment.
Please stay away from any classifications of types of people. For example, it would not be effective to state,
“There are many types of high school students, such as the jocks, geeks, and preps.” People are too diverse to be classified, so consider focusing on related objects. Also, it’s best to be specific. As in the above example, cars might be too broad, but classifying SUVs into categories, such as sport, luxury, and economy,
might be appropriate. After establishing three categories, make sure you have three examples of each.