Class, Power, Status
Explain how this concept interacts with an area of your interest. Your area of interest could be a hobby, your academic field, your desired career, a place you care about, etc. How does this concept harm or help this interest of yours? Does this give you privilege or marginalize you within this space? You need to back this up with sources.
Based on your sociological analysis of this field you’re interested in, what would need to change to make it better?
How can you tangibly effect that change? Are there things you wish you had already done, things you can do now, and things you can plan to do in the future?
Based on your sociological analysis of this field you’re interested in, what would need to change to make it better?
How can you tangibly effect that change? Are there things you wish you had already done, things you can do now, and things you can plan to do in the future?