civil war between just two opposing forces

civil war between just two opposing forces

Questions will follow a multiple choice format. Remember, however, that you are required to write a statement of up to 100 words justifying your choice of answer

Q1- Which of the following statements is true?
i. In the case of a civil war between just two opposing forces, one consisting of supporters of the existing government who are trying to retain power, the other consisting of insurgents trying to wrest control from that government, it is possible that, whichever of the two wins the war, the victor will be held responsible, in international law, for acts or omissions by both parties during theconflict.
ii. A state can be held responsible, in international law, for a terrorist attack on another state simply on the basis that, subsequent to the attack, the first state expressed approval of the terrorists’ actions.
iii. In certain circumstances a state can be held responsible, in international law, for the acts of its officials, even when the state in question has explicitly ordered the officials to refrain from the acts in question.
A. (i) only
B. (ii) only
C. (iii) only
D. (i) and (ii) only
E. (i) and (iii) only
F. (ii) and (iii) only
G. All three
H. None of them

Q2- While staying at a guesthouse in Jakarta you meet John, an Australian national. John’s partner, David, was born in England and is a UK national, but emigrated to Australia with his family in 1970 at the age of eight. Since then David has lived in Australia, although he only became an Australian citizen last year. David has only ever returned to the UK on short holidays. David has kept his UK nationality, but has no nationality apart from the two already mentioned.
John is distraught as a result of David being arrested for the possession of heroin. John is insistent that the drug must have been planted on David by Indonesian police. Now he is very worried about the treatment and standard of justice David will receive. John has 2 heard that you have studied international law and comes to you for advice. What is the best legal advice to give John?
A. Under international law David is only entitled to the same treatment as Indonesian nationals. If he is denied those rights then it may be appropriate to visit the Australian embassy for help. The British embassy will be unable to help because, having lived in Australia for most of his life, David has only a tenuous connection with the UK.
B. Under international law David is only entitled to the same treatment as Indonesian nationals. If he is denied those rights then it may be appropriate to visit the British or the Australian embassies, or both. They may be able to take action on his behalf.
C. Under international law David is only entitled to the same treatment as Indonesian nationals. If he is denied those rights then it may be appropriate to visit the Britishembassy for help. The Australian embassy will be unable to help. David may have spent most of his life in Australia, but he only became an Australian citizen last year, while he has been a UK national for his entire life. Therefore his dominant nationality is British.
D. Under international law David is entitled to certain minimum levels of treatment by Indonesia. If he is denied those rights then it may be appropriate to visit the British or the Australian embassies, or both. They may be able to take action on his behalf.
E. Under international law David is entitled to certain minimum levels of treatment by Indonesia. If he is denied those rights then it may be appropriate to visit the Australian embassy for help. The British embassy will be unable to help because, having lived in Australia for most of his life, David has only a tenuous connection with the UK.
F. Under international law David is only entitled to the same treatment as Indonesian nationals. If he is denied those rights then it may be appropriate to visit the British embassy for help. The Australian embassy will be unable to help. David may have spent most of his life in Australia, but he only became an Australian citizen last year, while he has been a UK national for his entire life. Therefore his dominant nationality is British.


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