Choose and read an article from the following issue of the journal Psychological Science: January 2015, vol. 26, no. 1. Use this article to answer questions on the attached document

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Choose and read an article from the following issue of the journal Psychological Science: January 2015, vol. 26, no. 1. Use this article to answer questions on the attached document

Review of Research Article

Instructions: Choose and read an article from the following issue of the journal Psychological Science: January 2015, vol. 26, no. 1. Use this article to answer questions

1.    Citation in APA style of the article chosen from the journal and issue specified in the instructions on the syllabus.

2.    Mention one of the hypothesis of the study and explain it in your own words.

3.    Describe the sample (Do not copy text from the article; instead, use your ability to synthesize.)
a.    Mention sample size
b.    Mention key demographics (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, SES)
c.    Mention location (Where was the sample recruited?)
d.    Mention eligibility criteria (exclusion or inclusion criteria)
e.    BONUS ITEM: If cultural groups (e.g., gender, age,  ethnicity) are compared, is there sampling equivalence? Please explain.

4.    What data collection strategies or methods were used in this study? Under each of the strategies below that was used in your article, please explain what information the investigators wanted to obtain using this method or strategy.
a.    Case study
b.    Observation
i.    Naturalistic/field
ii.    Laboratory
c.    Psychological test
d.    Survey
e.    In-depth interview
f.    Focus group
g.    Participant observation or Ethnography
h.    Other (specify) ________________________________________________________________

5.    What type of study was presented in the article? Explain what information you used to reach that conclusion.
a) Descriptive
b) Experimental
6.    Choose one of the APA standards for the ethical conduct of research with human participants and explain why it is relevant for the study you reviewed.

7.    Did the study use any or report the following? You have to choose THREE of the items below.

For the THREE items you choose below, explain what information you used to reach your conclusion.
a.    Representative sample? Y or N?
b.    Blind study Y or N?  [IF YES, which type?]
c.    Independent variable?  Y or N?
d.    Dependent variable? Y or N?
e.    Correlation coefficient? Y or N?
f.    Informed consent? Y or N?

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