Children literature

Part A: Fill in the chart below identifying two (2) books, two (2) videos, and two (2) websites that you would
suggest to parents. For each item, provide the appropriate age group and one (1) skill that would be promoted
by utilizing this item in a classroom activity. Examples of skills that would be promoted are: understanding the
roles of illustrations, connections to be made, vocabulary development, reading fluency, reading
comprehension, etc.
Appropriate Age Group
Skills Promoted
Part B: Develop a unit using three (3) books on a single topic or theme or by a particular author or illustrator
that is not used in your textbook. Identify and summarize the books that you chose to use. Then, briefly
describe one (1) reason why you chose each book as it relates to a child’s development. Finally, briefly
describe two activities you would implement to respond to the unit of study. It is important that the books are all
relevant for the same age level.

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