Purpose: It is very easy to be around children without noticing fascinating aspects of their behavior. Indeed, it is rare when anyone intently observes a child for a continuous period, looking for behaviors that characterize an individual child or childhood. Conscientious fulfillment of this project will help the observer be a better and more appreciative student of child behavior. If you have children, you may observe your own children.

  1. Write up of project, 4 written pages (typed). 2. Give a general description of child (age, sex, etc.) and the observation situation. 3. Describe behavior or patterns of behaviors that were interesting to you and analyze the significance to child development. 4. Do not just put a chronological list of what the child did during observation period, but do show evidence that you make careful observation. 5. Discuss significance of behaviors for the child and child development in general (use your text and notes). You must cite 3- 5 sources in APA format.
    Berk, L. E. (2018). Exploring Lifespan Development (Fourth ed.). Boston: Pearson MUST BE ONE OF THE
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