Child development

To begin this project, you’ll first watch a guest lecture by a colleague who works in LA with studios on analyzing the content of their media. I do and Q&A with
her at the end of video to discuss some research methodology issues. (Links to an external site.)
Now that you are familiar with how coding and content analysis looks in media research, you’re going to analyze the media in regards to gender
representation. Prior to doing your own data collection, review the following Assigned Reading: Leaper et al (2002).pdfActions
Review the instructions on how to collect your data here: Media Coding Project Fall 2021.pdfActions . This PDF walks you through how to collect the data
and the expectations of the paper that you are submitting. The Scoring/Coding Sheet you need can be found here: Coding Project 1 Workbook-computer
generated math.xls Download Coding Project 1 Workbook-computer generated math.xls
The final submission is two files: 1) the final paper, and 2) the Excel coding file.

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