Chi Square Analysis

Doing a Chi-Square analysis, report on whether there is a relationship with one or two of the above variables
(gender, age, education, or ethnicity) and at least two other variables (questions asked on the survey).
Example, I may be interested in knowing whether women were more comfortable with their physicians versus
men. I would need to run a Chi Square analysis comparing gender and question #2. I may also compare #2
with ethnicity as well. An important question as well would be to see what relationship does gender and/or
ethnicity has on office visit duration.
Upload Due Week next week:
The data analysis output from SPSS showing all your tables with descriptive and Chi-square analysis
(BETTER to take PICTURE or cut and paste into Word document) 15 points
Write a “brief” summary of (1-2 pages maximum) of your overall impression of your findings.

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