CHCECE006 Section 1 Question 1

CHCECE006 Section 1 Question 1
OBJECTIVE: To provide you with an opportunity to use safe, supportive and equitable practices appropriate to the development stage and needs of the child and/or young person.
Complete the following questions.
a) You are a relief educator in a room for the day. You have been told that 6-month-old Sarah cries for a while after her mother drops her off. Sarah arrives and her mother hands her to you. She immediately starts crying.
b) 4 year-old Dylan has been in your room for almost 3 weeks. He has become quite comfortable with the educators and the children in the room. During circle time, you notice that Dylan has a hard time sitting still and paying attention to the story you are reading.
Question 2
OBJECTIVE: To provide you with an opportunity to recognise any developmental challenges or mental health issues of child or young person that may have potential impacts on behaviour.
Complete the following questions.
a) Research developmental delays and two mental health issues in children. Summarise your findings.
b) What would you do if you noticed a child displays a few of the indicators for developmental delay or mental health issues?
Question 3
OBJECTIVE: To provide you with an opportunity to identify contributing environmental factors.
Ask experienced educators at your centre for examples of situations when environmental factors have contributed to a child’s behaviour issues.
Ask them the following questions:
• How would you describe the situation?
• How did you know what was affecting the child?
• What did you do about it?
• What did you say to the child’s family?
Summarise two examples using these questions as your guide.
Section 2Question 1
OBJECTIVE: To provide you with an opportunity to establish expectations for behaviour in consultation with supervisor and in line with work role.
Complete the following questions.
a) Get into a group of three students (each person should be placed at different centres). Each group member is responsible for consulting with their supervisor to answer the following questions:
• Does your centre have centre-wide expectations for behaviour?
• If so, what are they?
• Does each room within the centre have their own established expectations?
• How did the educators decide what they are?
• How are they presented?
b) Present your findings to the other members of your group. Discuss the differences and similarities between the centres.
c) Write a reflection about what you found interesting and what, if anything, surprised you.
d) Present the information you learned about the other centre’s established expectations for behaviour to your supervisor.
Question 2
OBJECTIVE: To provide you with an opportunity to provide instructions in a manner appropriate to the child or young person’s needs and context of the work environment and activity.
Provide detailed instructions for the following daily tasks:
a) Lining up for outdoor play
b) How to put an activity back
Question 3
OBJECTIVE: To provide you with an opportunity to establish expectations for behaviour in consultation with supervisor and in line with work role.
How would you use clear verbal and non-verbal communication techniques to redirect the child in the following situations?
1. One-year-old Terea pulls your hair while you are holding her.
2. Three-year-old Jayden grabs the book you are reading during circle time.
3. Five-year-old Bryce is telling a story in a loud voice to Sam during quiet reading time.
Section 3 Question 1
OBJECTIVE: To provide you with an opportunity to collect data and record observations as a basis for gaining understanding of the child/young person’s behaviour and use data to demonstrate the frequency, intensity and duration of behaviours requiring support.
Complete the following question.
Two-year-old Nicole has been biting other children the last few days. Your lead educator has asked that you observe her for one week to determine why she might be biting and how to help her learn other ways of expressing herself.
Outline a plan for observing her. Then, make up some data you might observe and use it present to your lead educator.
Section 4 Question 1
OBJECTIVE: To provide you with an opportunity to implement strategies to support child or young person with guidance from supervisor or as designed by a specialist.
Complete the following questions.
Four-year-old Philip is new in your room. After the first few weeks, you notice that he has a difficult time sitting through circle time. At first, he just was a bit wiggly. But over time, he has become increasingly disruptive. He rocks back and forth, stands up and jumps around and often pokes his friends in the circle.
a) What strategies can you implement to support Phillip? Be specific. Come up with a plan.
b) After implementing your strategies, Philip’s behaviour has not improved. He is still very disruptive and is starting to hurt the other children because he cannot seem to control his body. What do you do? Be specific.
Question 2
OBJECTIVE: To provide you with an opportunity to identify areas of concern for discussion with supervisor.
Research three behaviours that are common concerns at your centre and answer the questions below.
a) What are the main reasons children display these behaviours?
b) What are a few strategies for each that might help the children and the educators working with them?
c) What (if any) are the indicators that the concern may be great enough that you may need guidance from a specialist?
Question 3
OBJECTIVE: To provide you with an opportunity to contribute effectively to implementation of personalised support plans.
Complete the following question.
Find a child at your centre with an individualised support plan and read through their plan. (First, seek permission from the lead educator in the child’s room.)
Come up with a plan of how to best support the plan, as if the child were in your care. Outline strategies you will use to support the child as well as the lead educator.
Upload your plan for assessment.
Section 5 Question 1
OBJECTIVE: To provide you with an opportunity to monitor new strategies and record responses of child or young person in accordance with organisational policy and procedures; adapt levels of support required and provided, based on need and response of child or young person, after consultation with supervisor; and document observations and offer feedback to supervisor as additional support.
Complete the following questions.
Find a child at your centre with an individualised support plan and read through their plan. (First, seek permission from the lead educator in the child’s room.)
Come up with a plan of how to best support the plan, as if the child were in your care. Outline strategies you will use to support the child as well as the lead educator.
a) How you would monitor new strategies and record responses for this child?
b) How would you adapt levels of support to meet the child’s needs?
c) How would you document observations and offer feedback to supervisor?

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