Chapter 4 Motivation

Chapter 4 Motivation

Case study analyses only in Chapter 4
1.Diagnosis: identify the organizational weaknesses within the relevant area in the school/ school system using the appropriate prompts.
Chapter 4 Motivation
• Do the rewards satisfy the variety of individual needs?
• Are rewards both internal and external?
• Are they applied equitably and consistently?
• Do individuals value the rewards they receive?
• Do they perceive that their efforts correlate with performance?
• Do individuals set goals as a source of motivation?
• Are the rewards and incentives affective in motivating desired behaviors?
2. , Prescription: suggest interventions to resolve all the organizational weaknesses identified in the diagnosis.
3. See the sample of the paper in PDF I will uploaded (this is only SAMPLE DO NOT COPY IT)
4. YOU have to use the only book pdf I will uploaded DO NOT UES ANTHER BOOK)
In book Educational Administration: Leading with Mind and Heart By Robert H. Palestini

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