Causes and symptoms of a crisis
Chloe has always been described by her friends as attractive, bubbly, and full of life. But lately she appears withdrawn, moody, and always tired. She has always been fascinated with the political system and could quickly rattle off statistics and other factual information about Congressman, recent court cases, or Presidential enactments. However, over the last several months, she has shown less and less interest in politics. When asked about why that is, Chloe said that she has become disenchanted with politics and politicians. She explained, “it seems like none of them care about the country anymore. All they care about is making the other side look bad.” She went on to say, “And to think that I wanted to be one of them! Now I don’t know what I am going to do.” Her grades in school have gone down, she doesn’t wear makeup or bother with her hair, and she has even said that she isn’t sure why she is even on this earth.
Respond to the following questions:
Identify four or more symptoms of a crisis.
Identify five or more causes of this crisis.
Apply four or more crisis strategies to Chloe’s situation.