Case – Treatment Plan Rationale

Case – Treatment Plan Rationale

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Support with peer reviewed resources/apa (case is attached) include introduction paragraph:

Develop a treatment plan rationale for filial therapy for your client. Your rationale should include the following:
1•Evidence that supports integration of caregivers into treatment.
2•An evaluation of the benefits, risks and challenges of each of the principal approaches to child and family therapy for this client.
3•The reasons that filial play therapy has been selected for this client.

Grading rubric:
-Provides evidence that supports integration of caregivers into treatment, and explains why the evidence is persuasive

-Evaluates and explains the benefits, risks, and challenges of each of the principal approaches to child and family therapy for this client.
-States and explains a rationale for using filial therapy as an intervention with families.
-Provides validation and support within written communications by including relevant examples, supporting evidence, and persuasive explanations.

Mother is French-Grecian
Practicing Episcopalian
Self-injury behaviors, self-depreciatory thinking
Over time has begun to respond to her adoptive mother’s attunement and empathic responses to her, although this is intermittent and inconsistent; loves to draw and play piano; strong musical skills
Delayed in all areas

Lives with adopted mother
4th grade, public school
Upper middle class
Drawing, playing piano
Marisa was adopted by Catherine, a single mother when she was 26 months old. She spent her first 26 months in an orphanage in Romania and Catherine had to wait for 10 months before Marisa was able to come to America. Marisa hits herself when she feels afraid and when she thinks that Catherine is upset with her. Catherine has been very nurturing and feel deeply saddened and frustrated by how challenging mothering Marisa has been. Marisa does do well in school and has learned to be proficient in English very quickly and easily.

Catherine grew up living with her birth mother and father, whom she still sees occasionally. She has one sibling, an older brother who lives across the country. Catherine describes her parents as fairly nurturing, though harsh at times and not at all understanding of her decision to adopt Marisa. Marisa has been in individual theraplay, while a therapist has worked with Catherine about coming to terms with the severe nature of Marisa’s challenges. Catherine is also in a support group for parents of children who have been adopted and have histories similar to Marisa. Catherine teaches biology at a university near her home, and is able to schedule her classes around Marisa’s school and appointments. She also has recently begun dating Leah, another professor at her school. Catherine has not yet introduced Marisa to Leah, and is beginning to wonder how she will manage this new development in her life with Marisa.

Mother, mother’s new partner

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