case study

case study

Order Description

the coursework is a Report NOT an essay,
Structuring the coursework…
Report structure
Cover sheet
Contents page
Numbered sections e.g.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 ……

You are required to analyse a case study using theory and approaches from Critical Management Studies (CMS) and submit your findings in the form of a business report.

The paper will be approximately 3,000 words and will demonstrate and in-depth knowledge and understanding of Critical Management Theory(CMT) and its application as an analytical tool for resolving problems in a post-modern organisation.

Experiencing Depersonalised bullying: a study of Indian call-centre agents.

This is where you demonstrate your understanding of critical management studies and set out the basis of your argument. An example of how you could begin is as follows: (please do not copy this verbatim, Thank you)
When applied to organisations’ critical management studies has been used to:
expose situations of oppression, marginalisation and subjugation,   OR
question whose or what interests are being served or neglected by current Western approaches to management,    OR
champion the cause of those groups which might be disadvantaged by management.

Having made your statement about critical management studies you now have to tell the reader what it is, therefore the introduction is where you give an overview of critical management studies and how it’s linked to critical theory – you don’t need to go into too much detail but you do need to show that you understand it (synthesis is important- you only have 3,000 words, don’t waste any).

This section will lead into section…

you will need to provide a brief overview of the  case- who is it- what is it and so on.  This section is probably the shortest section

This will lead you to section…

you will need to show that you understand how CMS  theory applies to modern  organisations.

Based on your reading of Critical Management Studies what recommendations would you make for change at the Call Centre.

Do it in small chunks

Get the information onto the page first

Then edit, edit, edit

Understanding of CMS and underpinning Critical Theory
Demonstrate familiarity with critical theorists
Illustrate ability to analyse postmodern organisations using the work of critical theorists
Evidence of wide reading
Recommendations for change
Presentation and referencing


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