Carroll vs. United States

Choose 1 case from the list below that fits each scenario. All cases will be used and none will be used twice. Use
fits each made up scenario. Some cases you may have to refer either to your text, or just google the brie
Nix vs. Willams
Terry vs. Ohio
Hudson vs. Michigan
Schneckcloth vs. Bustamonte
Carroll vs. United States
Weeks vs. U.S
Mapp vs. Ohio
Katz vs. United States
California vs. Greenwood
Florida vs. Bostick
Silverthorne Lumber Company vs. United States
Chimel vs. California
Coolidge vs. New Hampshire
U.S vs. Leon
U.S vs. Ross
U.S vs. Grubbs
Miranda vs. Arizona
Example: Scenario: John and Jacob were recently married as a homosexual couple. While they made their relatio
evening while they were having dinner together on their back patio, the swat team surrounded their home and ask
embarrassed to be in front of several police officers. Nevertheless they complied with the police demands. The po
American heterosexual couple.
What case can the police rely on to avoid civil liability from John and Jacob?
Los Angeles v. Retelle
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.) Identify the le
Did the police violate the defendants (Retelle’s rights) known as 1983 civil action when they entered their home? W
because the police entered the home based on “good faith” and could not be held responsible for their actions. Ju
their home does not arise to civil liability. The police acted in “good faith”, (legal doctrine) used a valid warrant and
Scenario 1: John was asked to come down to the police station and answer some questions regarding a series of
asked for an attorney but was denied counsel and was kept in custody while officers continued to interrogate him
What case BEST fits this scenario and why? __________________________________________
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.

Scenario 2: Lucas was issued an arrest warrant at his home for stealing a car. Upon arrival of the arresting officer
garage. They discovered he was running a meth lab in his garage. Lucas could challenge the evidence based on
What case BEST fits this scenario and why? __________________________________________
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Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.

Scenario 3: Mary has running an illegal moonshine operation in her basement. The officers came in when Mary w
operation of a distillery in her basement. They returned the sample back into the container. Which case could Mar

What case BEST fits this scenario and why? __________________________________________
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.

Scenario 4: Marcus was charged with the murder of Amy Jones. When he was being transported to another facilit
circumstantial evidence and inferences that led them to Marcus. Marcus voluntarily told the officer where he could
the confession and said his Miranda rights were violated. However, the courts said that they would have discovere
What case BEST fits this scenario and why? __________________________________________
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.

Scenario 5: Heidi was talking on her cell phone at HEB and was revealing the details of the convenience store tha
the off duty officer shopping at HEB could not use the information to charge her with that crime.
What case would the courts likely rely on to convict Heidi?_____
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.

Scenario 6: Tom was known in his neighborhood as the seller of meth. The police did not have enough evidence t
Tom’s trash that he had left at the curb. The large metal drum container had residue of illegal drugs. The police th
What case would the courts likely rely on to convict Tom on illegal distribution and making methamphetamine____
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.

Scenario 7: Larry routinely rides the metro bus to get a cup of coffee at the local diner. Once Larry boarded the bu
the bus, he felt trapped by police. Larry gave consent to the officers to search his bag, upon this search that disco
drugs. Larry challenged his case but lost.
What case would the courts likely rely on to convict Larry? ___________
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.

Scenario 8: Police surrounded Nick’s home, they had both an arrest warrant and a search warrant. Police knocke
seconds. Nick challenged the warrants based on the 15 second rule before entering a person’s home. Nick lost th
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What case would the courts likely rely on to convict Larry? ___________
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.

Scenario 9: Robert was driving home from work at 1 am in the morning, a police officer pulled him over because h
smelled marijuana in the vehicle. The officer did not have a warrant but did have probable cause to search his car
What case might the courts rely on to convict Robert for a warrantless search? _______________
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.

Scenario 10: Based on an illegitimate informant’s tip, police obtained an invalid search warrant that Chris had chil
pornography media.
Which case can Chris rely on for an illegal search? _____________________________________
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences. Identify the leg

Scenario 11: Calvin was arrested at his home for the murder of Julie Hopkins. The police had an arrest warrant bu
What case can Calvin rely on to get the result of the carpet fibers taken from his home and vehicle thrown out? __
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.) Identify the le

Scenario 12: Jo was driving home from work yesterday, and all of a sudden several police cars surrounded his ca
out of the car and to get face down on the ground. Betsy who was an eyewitness to a bank robbery went over to I
model of the bank robbery.
What case can the police rely on to avoid civil liability by Jo?
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.) Identify the le

Scenario 13: Linda was known to order illegal prescription drugs from across the border by mail. The United State
being sent to her P.O. Box. When Linda arrived at the post office and opened her mail box police surrounded her
What case can the police rely on to uphold this warrant?
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Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.) Identify the le
Scenario 14: John had just been released from prison and was serving the remainder of his sentence on parole. H
going 15 miles over the speed limit. The officer ran John’s license and discovered he was out on parole. Without a
impaired or he had an illegal paraphernalia in his vehicle. The officer found a gun in John’s bag in the trunk and fo
What case can the police rely on to uphold this warrantless search for items that were not visible?
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.) Identify the le
Scenario 15: Mary and a group of friends were out one evening on a joy ride. Mary the driver, forgot to bring her d
The police officer asked for Mary’s license but said she forgot to bring it with her. He then asked the 3 other teena
produced an ID to search the car. Upon the “consent search” they discovered alcohol in open containers, and a fe
What case can the police rely on to uphold this warrantless search of Mary’s car?
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.) Identify the le
Scenario 16: Matt and Isaiah were hiding alongside the convenience store. They both had a black ski masks, a ba
believed they were about to rob the store. He patted down both men and found a gun and a packet of cocaine. M
What case can the police rely on to uphold this warrantless search but there was reasonable belief that they were
Explain the holding (final decision of the case and defend your answer in at least 3 to 5 sentences.) Identify the le
Scenario 17: Police entered Joshua’s home without a search warrant or an arrest warrant. They confiscated seve
What case can Joshua use to get this evidence against him thrown up?
Explain this case and its legal doctrine and the amendment it violates.
Be sure scenarios are included with your responses. Complete both parts of this assignment at the time part 1 is
Part 2:
Choose 1 case or amendment from the list below that fits each scenario. All cases will be used and none will be u
proper case that fits each made up scenario. Some cases you may have to refer either to your text, or ju
Mempa v Rhay
Tennessee v. Garner
Minnesota v. Murphy
Roper v. Simmons
Rummel v. Estelle
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In re Gault
Graham v. Connor
Gideon v. Waintright
Gregg v Georgia
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association
Roe v. Wade
Amendment 1
Amendment 8
Amendment 4
Amendment 5
Amendment 6
Amendment 7
Amendment 14
Be sure scenarios are included with your responses
Scenario 18: Jack wanted to burn a flag in his front yard, but Oklahoma state law forbids burning of the American
Jack can challenge this law based on which amendment? _
Explain this amendment and “content based” symbolic

Scenario 19: Janice is 5 weeks pregnant and wants to have an abortion, Texas is prohibiting abortions. Janice ca
Where can the “implied right to privacy” be found in the constitution that gives Janice the right to have an abortion

Scenario Scenario 20: Tim has been incarcerated in the Huntsville state prison for 14 years. Some of the guards d
What amendment might this violate? ________________________________________
Explain the amendment.__________________________________________________
Scenario 21: Mark had just arrived home from work, when the police arrived at his front door. They demanded en
The police did not have a search warrant or probable cause, only reasonable suspicion. Mark was not on parole o
What amendment can Mark rely on to get the evidence obtained from his property thrown out?___
Explain this amendment_______________________________________________________________________
Scenario 22: Jacob was suspected of murdering Mary, they asked him to come downtown for questioning. When
Mary. However they failed to read him his rights.
What amendment did the police violate? ___________________________________
What are the Miranda rights, why should you never speak to police without an attorney present?
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Scenario 23: John’s trial keeps being delayed because the judge does not feel like going to work. Meanwhile, Joh
What amendment can challenge the slow judicial process? ______________
Scenario 24: John finally got his day in court but the judge refuses to bring in a jury pool, instead the judge ops fo
What amendment can John challenge his right to trial by jury? __________
Scenario 25: Robert was acting suspiciously outside of the McDonald’s late one evening. A police officer pulled u
was low on blood sugar and needed to go in and order a milkshake. By this time other police officers showed up a
harassing Robert, and in the process he was injured and collapsed on the ground from low blood sugar.
Robert could sue under the 1983 civil action based on which case because excessive force was used?

Explain the legal doctrine that arose from this
Scenario 26: Patrick was out on probation but committed another felony while serving his sentence in the commu
Which case can Patrick rely on that will afford him his due process rights? ___________________
Explain the decision in this case and the process of
Scenario 27: Joshua was 16 when he committed felony-murder. He robbed a convenience store and then shot the
What case can Joshua rely on to escape the death penalty._________________
Explain the court’s reasoning in this
Scenario 28: Guy was migrant worker who was arrested for burglary. Guy lived in a homeless shelter in downtown
course he could not afford this option and the police continued to question him.
What case can Guy rely on to provide him a right to counsel-even if he can’t afford one? ________
What amendment demonstrates the right to counsel? _________
Scenario 29: Bob Jones was just caught burglarizing a home in Bellaire. He fled the scene, and the police were h
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but when Bob would not comply with police they shot and killed Bob.
What case can the family rely on to file a 1983 civil action against the police for the misuse of deadly force?

Explain the court’s reasoning in this
Scenario 30: The candy crush app came out with a new app, but instead of using candy they were using dogs an
Texas challenged the release of this game saying it encouraged animal abuse.
What case can the “candy crush” game app rely on to continue advertising and promoting the use of this app? __
Explain the court’s reasoning behind their decision.

Scenario 31: Leroy was sentenced to death after a conviction of felony-murder. Leroy had a history of mental illne
punishment based on a 2 step process. First the courts determine whether the crime is eligible for death and seco
Leroy can rely on which case that might offer him leniency and avoid the death penalty based on the second step
Explain the decision of this
Scenario 32: Roger was 15 at the time he was selling drugs on the street. However, at the time juveniles did not h
What case could Roger rely on today to be sure his rights were not violated as a juvenile? ______
Explain the reasoning from the courts in this case.

Scenario 33: Martin was a career criminal dating all the way back to the age of 14. Martin continued commit vario
after his last conviction of burglary, giving him a life sentence for a non-violent crime.
What case can the courts rely on to keep his life sentence in place? ________________
Scenario 34: Patrick was out on probation for a burglary. Yesterday he had to report to his probation officer and pr
that the robbed a lady in the mall parking lot a few days earlier. The probation officer turned over this information
What case can the police rely on to convict Patrick of the robbery? _____________

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