Career Profile

Career Profile

Paper details:
This Assignment has 2 parts:

– The first part is about Organizational Profile: In this part you write 750 words about the organization that I wish to work for after graduation from university. The organization would be NBK ( Kuwait National Bank ) > That’s their website All details for this part is in the uploaded file (Career Profile Criteria). For this part you need 6 academic references by using (Harvard Style References).

But should also find information on other websites or blogs or whatever necessary, I’m just listing their main website incase you get confused.

The second part is about Leader Profile: In this part you write 750 words about the leader that I admire. The leader would be Larry Page, Google founder. All details for this part is in the uploaded file as well (Career Profile Criteria). For this part you need 6 academic references by using (Harvard Style References).

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