Career Development
Career development is a lifelong and ongoing process. The steps in your career development began with you, your style, and skill areas, what your interests are, and how to go about starting a career that you are passionate about.
Professional Organizations: You will identify some professional organizations, related to the disaster recovery and business continuity field, and analyze them for alignment with your interests.
Conferences: Search for upcoming global conferences that are related to the disaster recovery and business continuity fields, and compile a list of conference names, locations, date(s), and link to their sites.
Interview Questions: Compile a list of job interview questions that may be asked of interviewees who are applying for disaster recovery and business continuity jobs.
Compile Short Phrases: Search LinkedIn for individuals with careers in disaster recovery and business continuity fields. Then, compile some short phrases from their profiles that are field specific.
Mentor/coach: Reach out to those you have found during your LinkedIn search. Request to connect to these individuals and consider asking for mentorship.
Employers Seeking Skills: Using online job listings sites, learn what kinds of jobs are out there for someone with your career interests and identify skills employers seek.
Compile Job Requirements: Compile a list of some of the job requirements associated with your selected role and add these requirements in an Excel table called “Roadmap Table.”