Care plan client living with a history of dementia

You are the nurse caring for an 81-year-old female client in an assisted living facility with a history of dementia, falling, hypertension, dysphagia, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. The client is regularly feeding with thin liquids. The client has a history of smoking and no other health problems.
Vital signs:
Temperature: 99.2° F
Heart rate: 91 beats/min
Respirations: 20 breaths/minute
O2 saturation: 93% on 2L oxygen via nasal cannula
Blood pressure: 110/68 mm Hg
Pain: “6/10”
Focused assessment findings:

Alert and oriented to person and forgetful
He moves all four extremities, and refuses to ambulate, on a wheelchair
The apical pulse is regular at 91 beats/minute
Lungs clear to auscultation, diminished bilaterally
Bowel sounds hypoactive, abdomen soft, tender in all four quadrants

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Using the information from the scenario, create a care plan using the attached template.

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