Cancer therapies

1) Check the expression system and application assigned to you under Course Content -> Assignments and
also linked to in the Week 7 conference area (under Class topic list for Week 7-10 assignments)
2) Carry out independent research to identify more specific details of how your assigned expression system is
used to produce specific products within the application / product class assigned.
3) Write a concise and articulate report written in prose (400-600 words), choosing one specific product (please
identify within your assigned general class!) which includes the following:
Identify strengths and weaknesses the organism has as an expression system
Describe how the organism is genetically engineered to the product. For example what genetic information was
added, how was it added, and any strengths or weaknesses of the approach.
Describe the bioprocessing pipeline, including appropriate upstream steps, fermentation conditions, how
biomolecules are harvested, and appropriate downstream processing.
If you cannot find sufficient details, please either investigate a different product for the same expression system
or use information about similar products to make an informed guess. Not all systems are equally well-used or
discussed in the literature. In grading I will take this into account – if your expression system is less common,
you will be rewarded more for information you do find or best guesses based on similar products. Please
reference at least 5 sources of information you use in your report.

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